Reykjavik: Seniors and Climate issues

  • DATO: 
    27/09/2023 - 28/09/2023
  • Klokkeslett: 
    onsdag kl 12:00 til torsdag kl 12:15
  • STED: 

Styremedlem Bente Marie Bakke og generalsekretær Andrew Kroglund deltar på et to dagers seminar i Reykjavik, organisert av islandske besteforeldreaktivister og finansiert av Nordisk Råd. Deltakere fra hele Norden. Målet er å drøfte nærmere spørsmålet om eldre menneskers plass og muligheter i klimakampen. Se nærmere beskrivelse lenger ned.

Seminar program

Alle kan følge seminaret på Facebook: Seniors and Climate issues – For the benefit of both (Participants watching the online streaming will also be able to participate in the panel discussion through slido, where they can submit questions for the speakers.)

Nærmere beskrivelse:
Iceland holds the chairmanship of the Nordic Council of Ministers 2023, and on that occasion, the Ministry of the Environment, Energy, and Climate initiated a Nordic project (Äldre folk och klimat – Nytta för båda två) with the main goal of mapping and strengthening the work of older people in the Nordic countries in the field of climate issues. A central part of the project is a Nordic seminar to be held in Reykjavík 27-28 September.

The seminar program includes short presentations on the activities and issues of groups of senior citizens from the Nordic countries regarding environmental and climate issues, panel discussions and group work. The seminar will then conclude with a bus trip around the Reykjanes Peninsula (see program). The seminar itself will be live streamed and available online afterwards. Follow this link for in person registration:…

The seminar is intended to be a platform for sharing the experiences of seniors regarding climate issues, where people can share and gather useful information and experience with others, which can then be used in their domestic work when they return home.

The conclusions of the seminar will be used to present recommendations to the authorities in the Nordic countries about why and how they should support volunteer groups of seniors in the field of climate issues and how to promote and maintain Nordic cooperation in this field.

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