Nettmøte: European Grandparents for Climate

  • DATO: 
  • Klokkeslett: 
    kl 10:00 til kl 12:00
  • STED: 
Hør hvordan BKA og andre besteforeldregrupper i Europa driver klimarbeid. Interesserte må melde seg til generalsekretær Andrew Kroglund:

EGC: Building the Next Phase – Informal Plenary Meeting

  1. Welcome and introductions
  2. News and input from the member organizations
    Each organization is encouraged to give a 3-5 minutes’ account of  the main issues and challenges in their countries and their ideas and expectations with regard to the EGC.
  3. The European Commission and Commissioner Hearings
    The hearings of EU Commissioners will take place from 6 -12 November. The national members are invited to listen in on the hearings of relevant commissioners.
  4. Relevant joint actions during the coming 1-1/2 years
  5. Information from the board
  6. Miscellaneous
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del denne saken!