We do not want to be associated with blood and death because we never wanted that for ourselves and our friends. The actions of our government are not our actions, – heter det i et opprop fra Fridays for Future Russia. – Det er modig gjort, og disse unge menneskene fortjener all vår støtte, sier generalsekretær i Besteforeldrenes klimaaksjon.
Statement from Fridays for Future Russia
on the military invasion of Ukraine by Russia
We, the activists of FFF Russia, reject any military confrontation.
At a time when the world is suffering from climate, environmental and other crises, war will only aggravate these crises, but will not contribute to their resolution. At this time, all conflicts must be resolved through diplomacy, not through the blood of civilians in other countries.
We express our solidarity and support for our friends from Fridays For Future Ukraine and now try to give them all possible help.
We do not want to be associated with blood and death because we never wanted that for ourselves and our friends. The actions of our government are not our actions.
Fridays For Future Russia was, is and will continue to be against any military action, no matter how «fair» it is presented by state propaganda. War is not fair.
People in Russia, please contact your relatives and acquaintances from Ukraine, give them words of support and provide any help you can.
People in Ukraine, please try to stay safe and take care of yourselves.
We will continue to fight for peace and justice for all inhabitants of the planet, especially in the current conditions.
Håper prostene vokser!
BKAs generalsekretær Andrew Kroglund kan fortelle at vi har fått oppropet oversendt via vår søsterorganisasjon i Sveits, Grand-parents pour le climat. Et oppløftende signal midt i alt det tragiske og brutale, at krefter i det russiske sivilsamfunnet så tydelig gir uttrykk for avsky og protest. – Russere er selvfølgelig som folk flest; hyggelige og omtenksomme. Den politiske og mediamessige manipulasjonen som Putin bedriver, er også ille for den russiske befolkningen. Vi kan bare håpe at de mange modige anti-krigs protestene der borte, fortsetter – og vokser videre. Det er i alles interesse at kontakten vår med det russiske sivilsamfunnet opprettholdes. De er modige, på vegne av oss alle!
Imponerande mot og klarsyn.